प्रबंधन पटल
Total Nakals Issued Today
Number of RoR (Jamabandi/Shajra) Copies issued Through LMK's today in the State
Total Nakals Issued Today
Number of RoR (Jamabandi/Shajra) Copies issued today through Tehsil/Sugam Centers in the State
Current: ₹62,587; Previous: ₹2,25,520
%age Increase/Decrease (One Month)
Number Of RoR (Jamabandi/Shajra) Copies Issued as compared to last month till today's Date
RoR's Issued: 2,312
Top LMK Centre in State
Based on Past One Month's total RoRs distributed
RoR's Issued: 434
Top Tehsil/Sugam Centre in State
Based on Past One Month's total RoRs distributed
RoR's Issued: 47,359
Top District in State
Based on Past One Month's total RoRs distributed
Previous Year RoR's(till date) : 28,98,996
Total Nakals Issued In Financial Year
Number of RoR (Jamabandi/Shajra) Copies issued during current Finacial Year in the State
Revenue Generated During Financial Year
Revenue collected as Service Charges & Govt Fee during current Financial Year
Current: ₹3,38,45,294; Previous: ₹7,09,43,459
% age Increase/Decrease (One Year)
Revenue generation as compared to last financial year (till date)
Nakals Issued By LMKs in Last Financial Year
No. of RoR copies issued By LMKs During 2023-24
Service Charges By LMK: ₹6,38,04,720
Nakals Issued By Sugam in Last Fin. Year
No. of RoR copies issued By Tehsil/Sugam Centres During 2023-24
Service Charges By Sugam: ₹23,35,670
Copying Fee Collected in Last Financial Year
Copying fee collected till date
Current financial year: ₹22,74,704 Previous financial year: ₹48,08,759